Metro Siege


Online CO-OP Help


Setup Metro Siege for Online CO-OP

  • Amiga - download the latest version of Metro Siege.
  • Select the closest server from our server list.
  • Web Edition - select server by clicking the link on the server list page.
  • Both players must be on the same server.
  • The first time you connect, Metro Siege will guide you.
  • GAME ID is used to connect you to your opponent. Pick something random!
  • Make sure your opponent uses the same GAME ID!
  • Amiga players and Web Edition players can connect and play together!
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Setup Networking on an Amiga

You will need a network adapter and TCP/IP stack for network CO-OP.

TCP/IP stack and network adapter lists will be updated. Let us know your results!

TCP/IP Stacks

Purchase, download and install the TCP/IP stack of your choice.

Network Adapters

Let us know if you have success with other network adapters!

Setup Networking on an Emulator

See below for config screens to enable bsdsocket.library on your emulator.

Let us know if you have success with other emulators!

Note: No TCP/IP stack is required if bsdsocket.library emulation is used!

WinUAE setup FS-UAE setup AmiBerry setup

Known Issues

  • FS-UAE on OS/X using bsdsocket.library can sometimes freeze. Try Amiberry or WinUAE with wine64 if you encounter this issue.
  • If you live a far from all game servers, the lag may be unacceptable. Stay tuned for information on running your own server!
  • (Not tested recently) The Mister ppp based network adapter was known to be laggy.
  • (Not tested recently) AROSTCP on ApolloOS was known to be laggy, running RoadShow instead of AROSTCP solved the issue.
  • This is BETA! We don't know how well this will work. Let us know your experience. If you have problems, be patient, we will try and fix it!