metro siege - moves


alex's moves


kim's moves


????'s moves


sequence move
Jab: Tap the attack button
Block: Hold the attack button and then hold in the back direction
Jump: tap or hold the jump button
Jump-stunner: tap the jump button again after jumping to do a different jump attack that stuns enemies
Jump kick: tap the attack button while in the air
Combo A: repeatedly press the attack button within range of an enemy
Hop Forward: tap forward twice very quickly
Hop Backward: hold the attack button then tap back twice rapidly
Grab Attempt: Hold the attack button and tap forward
Grab Knee: repeatedly press attack after grabbing an enemy
Grab Slam: hold down and press attack after grabbing an enemy
Shoulder Throw: Hold left or right and tap the attack button after grabbing an enemy
Grab Combo: Hold up and tap the attack button after grabbing an enemy
No Mercy Attack: Initiate a low attack while standing at an enemy that's lying on the ground
Air Drop: tap down twice quickly while in the air over an opponent who's lying on the ground
Smasher: Press attack while hopping forward
Back Attack: Hold the attack button and press up
Leg Sweep: Hold the attack button and tap down
Sliding Leg Sweep: Hold the attack button and tap down while hopping forward
Flying Jump Kick: Press jump then attack while hopping forward
Roll Upward: Tap up twice quickly while lying down (you must press the attack button to stand up)
Roll Downward: Tap down twice quickly while lying down (you must press the attack button to stand up)
Pick Up: to grab an item, hold attack and tap down while standing over it
Counter Attack: initiate a block against an enemy a split second before he attacks
Desperation: Press both buttons at the same time to initiate a strong attack to escape bad situations. This uses some of your blue meter. Refill this meter by scoring hits on enemies